What Ministers can learn from Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso centers around an American Division II Football Champion Coach who is hired by an English Soccer Club to coach the team. The thing is that he doesn’t know anything about soccer. He has only been a football coach. So this makes for some very funny interactions. However, one thing I did not expect from this show was how well written and deep it actually is. It is more than just a comedy. While I was watching the show, there have been a number of things Ted has said and done that have been really encouraging and insightful. In fact, there are many things ministers can learn and apply from Ted’s life and coaching philosophy. Yes, I know this is a fictional show, but there are things minister can learn from Ted Lasso. Here are some: Identify the One. In episode 2 Ted says to his Assistant Coach about Roy (the oldest person on the team), “He’s the one, coach. If we’re gonna make an impact here, the first domino need to fall right inside of that man’s heart.” Ted was looking for a leader amongst the players and Roy just had a confrontation with him in which Ted then said that Roy’s the one that is going to lead the team. The ministry application here is, who is your one? Who is the person you are ministering to right now that can help be a leader amongst their peers? Find that one and disciple and equip them to be that leader. We all have hurts. In episode 1 it become clear that Ted is separated from his wife. But he is trying and he is clearly hurt from this separation. It appears that it wasn’t his choice. The ministry application here is that we all have hurts. We all have pain. Some of it is not your choice. Work through it with God and allow Him to lead you and guide you. Be Real and Sincere. In episode 3 Ted is being interviewed by Trent, a hard nosed reporter from the local newspaper. After spending all day together where it is very obvious Trent is very suspicious of Ted. Here is their last exchange:

  • Ted: “I’ll say this though, I really enjoyed getting to spend this time with you, Trent.”
  • Trent: “You actually mean that, don’t you?”
People are so suspect of really truly genuine people. They think that people can’t be genuine and sincere. Trent really thought Ted was not sincere, but he is. And it shows in every interaction he has with people. The ministry application here is be real and genuine. Be sincere. It doesn’t matter how funny you are or how great you can teach others, if you aren’t sincere or real you will not have the kind of impact God desires you to have. People may not believe you are real or sincere at first, but over time they will see it and it can have a lasting impact on others. People Matter. When asked abut wins and loses, Ted responds by saying, “For me, success in not about wins and losses. It’s about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field. And it ain’t always easy, Trent, but neither is growing up without someone believing in you.” Here is the ministry application. As a minister you are going to have tons of wins and loses. But people matter more. It is not always easy but investing in relationships and people matter more than your messages or your funny skits. People need others to give them a vision beyond themselves and with God’s leading, we can help lead others that way.


It’s hard to believe that a TV show can possibly teach or remind ministers about much these days, but Ted Lasso has inspired me and encouraged me to be a better minister. Whether it is dealing with personal pain, identifying leaders or investing in people, we need to keep our focus on the main things in our personal lives and ministry. The more we can do that, the greater the chance we have at impacting people for the kingdom of Heaven.

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