What Ministries can Learn from the Golden Globes

Golden GlobesIt’s good to laugh. The Golden Globes is very casual and very different from the other awards programs. It’s less formal with people eating at the event at tables rather than just sitting in rows facing the stage. Because it is less formal that means there are more creative liberties at the event. Basically, that means more laughter, not just form the emcee but from everyone there. Jokes fly around all over the place. And that makes for good entertainment.

  • Ministry Application: Have fun! There is a lot of Bible studies and spiritual development you can do with those you are ministering to. But fun is something that should be included in that time.You don’t have to be serious all the time. Relax and enjoy time with each other. The more you can do that the more likely real growth and development will happen between you and those you are ministering with and to.
It’s good to highlight accomplishments. No one every said the Golden Globes award mean the same thing as the Oscars. But even if they don’t mean as much it’s doesn’t mean you can’t highlight and recognize good work or accomplishments. Anyone who gets a Golden Globe is appreciative of being recognized for their work.
  • Ministry Application: It’s good to highlight accomplishments in your ministry and with those you are ministering to. Maybe do an Awards night at the end of the school year for your ministry. Highlight some funny moments and good moments that people did and that happened in your ministry. It could be a mix of fun and serious while also involving food. Food always helps (see above).
While the Golden Globes may not be a “major” awards show, it has been around for decades. People love to watch the show each year and people who receive awards are honored. In addition its light hearted and fun. Ministries can use these two aspects of having fun and recognizing accomplishments in their What do you think? What else can ministries learn from the Golden Globes?   Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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