What Online Ministers Can Learn from Social Media Sleuths

The disappearance and murder of Gabby Petito has been a very big news item the past 2 weeks. What happened to her and who is responsible has been much talked about. And while there is a ton of media coverage there has also been a lot covered about this case on social media. In fact, there have been some social media sleuths that have helped contribute to the ongoing developments in this case. They have shown videos on TikTok and shared their stories of seeing Gabby and her fiancé days before her murder.

social media sleuthsSo what can Online Minsters learn from this case and the impact theses social media sleuths are having? Here are some thoughts:

  • People embrace Causes. One thing we know about Millennials and Gen Z is that they embrace causes and and get behind stories that matter. What causes are you part of at your Church or that you support? Share about them and let people rally around and support them.
  • Mobilize people Online. Because people like to support causes, online ministers need to mobilize people to take action. This is were you mobilize digital missionaries and mobilize them to minister to people online. The more digital missionaries you can train up and mobilize the greater the impact you can have at reaching others online for Jesus.

Social media sleuths have been very helpful in countless cases across the world. They show the power of people mobilized behind a cause using social media to help. Online ministers can learn from them by mobilizing social media champions at your Church or ministry to share the power of Christ and the life changing impact He has on others. Share stories. Invite others. Encourage people. Bring hope and unity to a divided world. The more online ministers can mobilize and equip people to do these things, the more people will know the love of Christ.

Did you attend? What else can online ministers learn from social media sleuths? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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