What to do When You’ve been Disappointed

Life is great. Until it isn’t. Things in life and in ministry can be exciting and going great and then it stops going great. This could be something that happens suddenly or it could be something that comes out of the blue completely. And when this happens, there is a lot of disappointment that comes along with it. You’ve been let down. You’ve been disappointed.

disappointed So, what do you do when this happens in some way? What can you do? Here are some things you can do:

  1. Pray and cry out to God. Like a lot! When things are going well, we don’t think to pray and cry out to God much. Only when we have been disappointed or experience a setback do we tend to pray. Make it a habit to cry out and pray to God a lot. In the good times, but especially in the bad times.
  2. Process where you want to go next. Another thing I do is begin to think through what I really want in life and where I really want to be. And this is ok, especially if you pray and cry out to God first. When you begin to plot and plan without first going to God, they are just your plans and ideas, they are not God’s plans or ideas. Process.
  3. Talk to some trusted friends. Sometimes when I get down or have been disappointed I can think about taking next steps that are not part of God’s plan. That is why I like to talk to a close set of friends who give me good feedback and godly wisdom. They are great people whom I trust to help me process. Find some in your life who can do this for you.
  4. View them as life changing moments. Disappointments are going to happen in your life. Instead of viewing them as negative moments, view them as positive, life changing moments. Moments that you can learn from and grow as a person and minister. Take a positive outlook on it and grow from it.

Life is great. In the good times AND the bad times. You will experience tremendous joys but also some disappointments. It is part of life. It is part of ministry. Create some systems and processes in your life to help you handle those tough times and disappointments so that they will be life changing moments that spur you on to another level in your life and ministry.

What do you think? What do you do when life throws you a curveball and you have been disappointed? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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