Valentine’s Day week where everyone is filled with all sorts of love and hope. But it is also Orange Blogger week where a bunch of ministry bloggers share about Orange and the Orange Conference. So, in light of these 2 great events colliding on the same week, I figured it would be great to share what to LOVE about Orange.
- A group who works tirelessly for you. The reThink Group works so hard collecting data from ministers and ministries so that you can be equipped to best serve your communities. However, they also work tirelessly with you as a support. If you have a problem or question with their resources, they will work with you to make sure you have all that you need and understand it all to be successful in your ministry.
They do their homework. Obviously when groups produce books and curriculum they do their research. However, what I have seen and experienced with the reThink Group is that they go above and beyond research by collecting so much information from so many different sources. They want to make sure they have the right information and right approach to take when you implement their suggestions or do their curriculum.
- The Orange Conference. There are a TON of great ministry conferences out there each year. However, what I personally love about the Orange Conference is that it is uniquely designed for you – family, student and children ministers to be together, recharge and be refreshed. It is a conference that you really have to experience to believe.
- Rethink Leadership. Starting last year, the reThink group introduced Rethink Leadership which is led by Carey Nieuwhof and features Ted talk style messages designed specifically for Church Leaders (Senior Pastors, Campus Pastors, Associate Pastors). They have phenomenal speakers and provide some great discussion groups as well. What I particularly love about this is that this gathering is that it gets your senior leaders exposed to Orange by them also getting a ticket to the Orange Conference. So they get to see what their family, children and student ministers get all excited and passionate about.