What Volunteer Leaders need to Possess to have an Effective Team

flexible. If you are willing to learn and can roll with controlled chaos you are going to be able to thrive in student ministry. However, there is one characteristic that I have come to value more and more over the years. effective teamOne very underrated, yet key characteristic for volunteer leaders of your ministry to possess to have an effective team is that of being a team player. The reality is that a volunteer leader is either a team player or not. This person is either in it to work together with the team or just want to be solo, go all in by themselves. While it may seem like a no-brainer to have team players on your team, it is not always a guarantee that you will have them. So why is being a team player so important to your team as a whole?

  • It affects team dynamics. When you have a team working together for a common purpose, they work selflessly and purposefully. However, when you have a bunch of individuals working only for their purpose, there is no community and they are all moving in completely different directions rather than work towards a common goal and purpose.
  • It keeps focus more on the team working together than individuals doing their own thing. When you have a bunch of individuals seeking their own interests the reality is that they seeking their own goals trying to serve their own interests. The overall teams interested and goals are not as important and that can cause a lot of devision amongst the team.
  • Synergy happens when people work together. Because you are working together as a team rather than individuals you create a positive vibe and synergy. When students see the love and community that is developed with the leaders working together, they have a positive example and will want to be apart of a community like that. I know this because I was a student who saw a youth leadership team love and care for each other and I wanted to be apart of it. Eventually, I was and I know there are other students who will want to be apart of it.
Being a team player helps create an effective team. The more team players you have the more effective your team will be and the greater the impact you will have, not just on each other but on those you are ministering to as well. The flip side of this is true as well. The more individuals you have working separately, the less effective your team will be at reach students for Christ. While it may seem appealing to have “lone rangers” on your team, if they aren’t fully committed to the teams goals and strategy, the more hassle it will be for you as the lead and your team as a whole. Choose team players. How about you? What characteristic must your volunteer leaders must possess to have an effective team? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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