In all reality, you have had to be living in a nuclear shelter for the past 10-15 years to not have heard about Steve Jobs and all his creations: iMac, MacBook, iPod, iPhone, iPad to just name a few of the most popular. As I watched CNBC and read articles last night and today I heard a lot of different words/phrases to describe him. Rebel, icon, genius, innovator, visionary, creative, inspiring, mastermind, inventor, entrepreneur, leader are all words that I heard over and over again.
He will be missed by many people. He really did change the way people in the 21st century communicate, function and operate.
All this being said, it does bring to mind what I want to be remembered for when I pass away. What are people going to say about me when I am gone? What kind of legacy will I leave behind?
What about you? TAKE A MINUTE right now and think through what you think people are going to say about you when you are gone. Do you like what you think people are going to say or no? If not, what do you need to do today to leave a legacy that will go on for many, many years after you are gone from this earth? If so, what do you need to keep on doing to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come?
Matthew 5:16 – “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”]]>