2018 Orange Conference is approaching and there are cash money savings if you sign up by Dec. 14th. But if that isn’t enough to convince you to attend the conference this year, here are a few more reasons why this Conference is a “Can’t Miss” conference this year:
It is a Conference geared JUST FOR YOU. The Orange Conference is the largest family ministry conference in the world. With thousands of children, student and family ministers attending and around seeking to do ministry better, you are going learn a ton and have plenty of great conversations with others doing exactly what you are doing. And when those conversations happen, people learn and grow.
- Excellent training JUST FOR YOU. Every year Orange brings in the best and most experienced leaders and speakers to their conference. There are always has a great number of pastors and speakers that inspire and challenge the attendees to do ministry better. This year you’ll hear from the likes of Reggie Joiner, Doug Fields, Kara Powell, Sue Miller, Perry Noble, Jon Acuff, and many more! You will leave inspired to do ministry better and more effectively as you get trained from some of the best.
- Fun JUST FOR YOU. At conferences there are always plenty of opportunities to network and learn. But what Orange does so well is mixing the fun in with the learning. They know how to have fun because they are or were one of us…children, family and student ministers. And you know all of us know how to have fun. 🙂 Whether it is at a main session or during meal times or other great breakouts, Orange makes sure that there is a lot of fun that happens and 2018 will be no different, that is for sure.