When was the last time you…

  • Called a fringe student?
  • Said a hard word to a student or leader?
  • Took a day off?
  • Recognize a leader for all their hard work?
  • Went on a date with your significant other or spouse?
  • Turned off your phone or computer?
  • Lead someone to the Lord?
  • Went up to the school after school or during lunch to hang with students?
  • Spent time actually studying scripture for yourself and not for others?
  • Sacrificed your own plans so that another department (i.e. Children’s ministry) can do something instead?
  • Did contact work with parents?
  • Exercised?
  • There are many times when we get caught up in the day-to-day administrative activities of being a “youth minister” that we forget some really important things that we need to do.  This is just a small sample of things that many of us love to do but get sidetracked from doing. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and re-read this list.  Is there something on this list that you haven’t done in a while?  If so, do it this week.  Then see how God impacts your life, another person’s life and/or your ministry this week because you did 1 or more of these items you may have forgotten about. Also, if I missed something on this list, feel free to add it so that we can be encouraging each other to not just be better youth ministers but better followers of Christ as well.]]>

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