Why every Church should start Church Online

“I have not been able to get to church in awhile. But going through a really tough break up and felt like I needed t log on this morning.” So what does that mean? [ctt template=”3″ link=”d0z5c” via=”no” ]Church Online is a safe place for someone to start discovering or rediscover who God is.[/ctt] The reality is people still aren’t going to church. And, for whatever reason, they may be afraid of stepping into a church building. But just because they have these fears from past issues or hurts, that doesn’t mean they don’t want to try to discover who God is.  By having a Church Online options, people can get connected to God and others that will help them process questions about life and God. images-1And this is exactly why more churches should be embracing technology and getting onto Church Online in some form or another. You may not be able to invest the time and money into going full force into it. but, you could do a few things:

  1. Periscope your services from a phone or tablet. Although not as ideal as a real camera, using Periscope will greatly increase your reach to others on social media.
  2. Facebook Live your services or a devotional from a minister.
  3. Use YouTube or Facebook videos to share video devotionals or sermons online. This is great, especially if you can’t do live streaming. Simply record a sermon or a video devotional and share it.
  4. Share your messages online as podcasts. That way people can hear your messages even if they can’t attend church that particular week.
  5. Start Online Life Groups.  These have been great for my church.  People from all over the world, literally, participate in these groups at our church.  But, people from the local campus participate as well.  Why do they do these groups and not a physical life group? It’s because they may be too busy to commit to a certain day and time.  Because of this, our Online Life Groups are able to minister to people and help them grow in Christ through these online groups.
Again, Church Online is a safe place for someone to start discovering or rediscovering who God is.  Because of this, this is exactly why your church needs to be getting into Church Online ASAP. Learn more about online Church: What do you think? How is your church doing church online?  If you aren’t what is preventing you?  Share your thoughts or experiences below or online using #ymsidekick to share. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]]]>

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