I’m quitting Facebook today. Yep, I’m gonna make it happen. I’m going to deactivate my account in hopes to never turn it back on again. So, I’m saying good-bye to my 531 friends (many of whom I haven’t talked to seen in years). I’m saying good-bye to all the Mafia War invites and learning who needs what for their Farm Town collection. I’m saying good-bye all the changes in privacy rules.
There are a few reasons why I am quitting Facebook, but since this is my ministry blog, I will outline the main ministry reason why I am doing this.
The main ministry reason why I am quitting Facebook is because I only use it for ministry. Say What?!?! Isn’t that a really good reason to keep it? Actually, it is. But it is also the reason to delete it. See, with Facebook you can easily keep tabs on people at all times – which is good. But, it takes the relationship aspect out if it. I can know what is going on with someone in my youth program without really being with that person and truly knowing them. In youth ministry we strive to model Christ’s incarnational ministry. He came to Earth to meet us where we are in order to build a relationship with us that will lead us to loving relationship with God. With Facebook, I’m not doing that. It is not helping me develop relationships with people. it only allows me to see what they are doing and making a comment about it. That’s not relationship building. It is “knowing” someone without really “knowing” them. I have found that Facebook actually takes away physical time that I should be having with students because I “know” what they are up to anyways. That’s not the way I should be operating as an Incarnational Youth Minister.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Facebook has been and can be a great tool for ministry. But in the grand scheme of things, I believe it will help me be a better youth minister without it, then with it.
So, bye Facebook! It was great knowing you. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m moving on.]]>
Don't do it.
You'll be back.
I applaud you, brother. I have my own qualms with Facebook. I started it so I could figure out what was coming down the road with my preteen daughter because this is how they communicate. I have found it to be an interesting way to see what everyone is up to. What I found was that I was wasting a huge amount of time surfing on it for no redeeming reason. When I started it, I wanted to make it primarily a God thing, attached to my ministry. What I found out was that I was not pulling it off. I have committed myself to staying off unless I am posting pictures for my family and close friends who care what we are up to, or posting something relevant to my ministry. We shall see if I can stay focused this time or I may be joining you soon on the deactivated rolls.
Thanks for the comments guys! I'm really serious on this as I hope this will make me a better youth minister in the long run. We shall see but as of now – no serious withdraw effects yet.