Why its Ok to Post about Events on Social Media

Social Media is Social Ministry. There is lots of great opportunities to minister to people online and social media should be looked at as a huge ministry opportunity. This is 100% true. And, because of this, for the longest time, Church Communications experts have encouraged us NOT to post info and events on our Church Social Media Pages. After all, people aren’t there to hear about events, they are there to be encouraged. But this isn’t a black and white issue. You can minister to people while also sharing about what is happening at your Church or ministry.

In this video, audio or bullet points below, I will share why it is OK to post about your events at your Church on social media.



Social media is social ministry. However, social media is also a great way for you to share information about your Church to those looking for more information about it. Click To Tweet

Why is it ok to share about events on social media? 

For starters, when people are checking out your Church they look at your website AND your social media accounts. They want to find out what your Church is about and how to get engaged. If you don’t have anything about future events coming up, then you will miss an opportunity to potentially reach new people. Events draw people in and get people interested in your Church before they start attending your Church. It’s good to put them on your website AND your social media accounts because they may discover your Church first on social media before they find your website.

Secondly, Facebook has a specific section for Pages to add events. If they didn’t want you to promote your events on social media, they wouldn’t have created that section. And, when Facebook creates something for you to use, when you use it, Facebook will make sure people see it. So, it’s a great way to get your information out to those who follow your Church’s Page.

Because of theses two reasons, posting about events on social media is still a good idea for Churches to do. That doesn’t mean you should post all events on social media. Carefully choose which events you promote and make sure the event you highlight is something that most of your Church would attend. But, the bottom line is that if done strategically, posting events is more than OK to post on your Church’s social media accounts.


  • What do you think? Is it ok to share about events on social media? Share your ideas below or on social media.
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