Why Prayer needs to be the First Action Step we Take

When the four of us prayed that day we prayed specifically for more volunteer leaders. Later that evening, I got a text message from a former volunteer leader who needed to get something from me. I have not heard much from this person over the past few years but she was one of my best leaders years ago. I didn’t think much about it until we met up the following day to for me to get her what she was asking for. It was then that I realized that we were praying for leaders and here we have a potential right in front of me. So, I told her the story and I boldly asked her to consider being a leader again. I asked her boldly because I felt that this was God driven and I needed to act on it. She was surprised by my ask and she said she would strongly consider it. I’m not going to lie, I think I have a shot here. Not because it was me driven, but because God set it up. And, I wouldn’t have seen this that way unless I was praying. Ministry is crazy, challenging and good all at the same time. In order to make sense of it all, we need to be in prayer. Prayer is the first action step you need to take each and every day. The more we become reliant on our own experiences and less reliant on God, the more we get ourselves in trouble. Commit to prayer, look for Him to act and see what great experiences He provides. What do you think? How have you seen God respond to prayer in your ministry before? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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