Why Super Bowl parties are a MUST DO Student Ministry event

4 specific reasons.     Why is it a MUST DO student ministry event?

  1. Everyone watches the Super Bowl. Every single year, the Super Bowl is the most watched television program. Every year! Because everyone watches them, you don’t have to over-sell your Super Bowl party. People want to watch it and they want to watch it with other people…most of the time.
  2. It’s an “easy sell” to students. Since everyone watches it and so many Americans love football, it’s not hard to encourage students to come to your Super Bowl Party. The Super Bowl is fun and exciting which students already know. It is much easier inviting students who haven’t been to a student ministry event to a party watching football than a Bible study or pancake breakfast (as great as those events may be).
  3. You spend less time getting people there and more time focused on making it extraordinary. The less it is about the Super Bowl, the better it is. Most people want to watch the Super Bowl, but not everyone does. That is why if you focus on providing other great opportunities like video games or board game area or even a nail salon for girls to get their nails done, those could be great additions to your party.
  4. You have their full attention for the Gospel. Create  your own halftime show where you play some fun games together, do some raffles and have a teen or a volunteer leader share about Christ. Hear how you can make your halftime show a hit.


The Super Bowl can be one of your best outreach events you do all year creating lasting memories where students have a blast but also hear about Christ for maybe the first time. Even if you don’t have party planned yet, you still have time to do one. Here is more information on how to make it a great event for students and your ministry. What do you think? Do you use the Super Bowl as an outreach event? Share how it goes for your ministry below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"] ]]>

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