Orange Tour comes around your neighborhood this fall. Every year the reThink Group takes the Orange Conference on the road to 20 different cities around the country in the shape of 1-2 day training events. They take all the great material shared at the conference and share it for all of those who couldn’t make it to Atlanta for the conference or bring their team with them.
Not only is the Orange Tour a great event in general for your team to attend this fall, but the theme this year makes it ideal. This year’s theme is “One Voice”. The main idea is to re-imagine the potential you can have as One Voice. This gets me really excited as I see One Voice playing out great for both your team and for your community which makes it a can’t miss event this fall.
How does this theme help your team? As One Voice, your team can work more together and stop working in silos. Rather than working as just children ministers or student ministers or college ministers. You can work together with your team from birth to college students. You can discover how you can work in more unison and have a singular voice with the same message that is spoken into all age groups.
How does this theme help your community? The Orange Tour also helps you in your community network with others. As you look for ways to help your community you may discover other Churches and ministers in your area that are trying to do the same thing. One Voice takes it beyond your Church walls and gets you focused on working together and not alone. It encourages you to focus on the big “C” Church and look for opportunities to serve the community more by working with other churches. Sure, your Church may not get all the credit, but if we are working together as “One Voice”, we increase the possibility of more people coming to know Christ and entering the gates of Heaven. And that, by the way, is the most important part.
With the affordability of the Orange Tour, the theme of “One Voice” and the ability to connect with regional leaders and churches in your area, I believe the Orange Tour is a great option for you and your team this fall. It won’t only just help your particular ministry or Church but it could very well help you be more united as a Church and community so that you can reach more people for Christ. That is why, as you plan out and look for team training this fall, check out the Orange Tour here and sign up for this great event. You, your ministry and countless lives can be changed because of it.
What do you think? Have you ever been to the Orange Tour? How has that helped you in your ministry? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.
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