Digital Bootcamp week that Seth led.
Seth said that these photos, “highlights your people and shows them in action”. Stephanie followed up by saying that these photos “almost makes me feel like I’m home”. For the record, Stephanie grew up at the Church I am at now and returns every so often with her family.
Again, not being officially trained in communication or marketing, the one thing I have picked up is that whenever I post pictures of actual people in our church in action, it always gets a great response. Why is that? Here are a few reasons why:
- They tell a story. They don’t just tell a story of what is happening in the life of your Church, but they tell a story about what is happening in the life of people (see more on this one below). Churches have a great story to communicate to others and pictures are great ways to communicate others part of that story.
- They cause an action in people. By this I mean that when people see other people having fun or doing interesting things, they get excited and they wish they would have been apart of it if they weren’t (great promotional tool, as well). Images and videos are great ways for people to “check out” your Church for the first so as many pictures as you can show of great stuff happening, the more likely someone will be inspired to take action and possibly come to your Church.
- They show life change. Whenever I post a picture of someone being baptized the engagement is really strong because people like to see other people’s lives being changed. They get inspired and encouraged and hopefully, God willing, they will really think