Why Wearables are vital for Ministers

short video to find out:     The simple reason why wearables are vital are because they help keep you conscious of your fitness. And fitness is not necessarily something that a lot of ministers have in their minds constantly.  The reality is you don’t need a wearable to be conscious of fitness but with it on your wrist makes you it that much more likely that you will actually attempt to be fitness. Your wearable will remind you to stand up, exercise and move around which again, keeps fitness on your mind all the more. The great thing about wearables these days is the you don’t need to invest a TON of money for one. Sure you can get an Apple Watch or Samsung wearable which will cost you a little more.  But you can also get a simple Fitbit which would be just as great. What you get with a wearable that is more than just a fitness tracker (like an Apple Watch) is the ability to do more things such as keep your phone in your pocket and respond to simple messages and notifications. That is something that I personally enjoy and I believe those around me when I get those notifications enjoy as well. Regardless of what wearable you purchase, I have discovered over the past few months that having a wearable has made me more conscience of my health and fitness. Because of that, it is my hope that it will help me last longer as an active minister because I am more healthy and working on my fitness. And that is why it’s vital for me and I believe vital for every minister to invest in one. What do you think? Do you have a wearable? How have you seen it help you? Share your thoughts below so we can all learn from each other. Also, this vlog is apart of Summer Ministry Vlog Week ’16 (#SMVWeek16). Check out the other Vloggers of #SMVWeek16 here. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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