Why you need to be a Negotiator at times

  • negotiatorSpace at the Church is tight and you have another ministry trying to use the same space you want to use at the exact same time and day. What do you do? You negotiate with the other ministry to see how you can both win. Each situation is different but if you give a little, I bet you will be able to work it out where, although not perfect it’s a win.
  • You have a group of students who aren’t involved in your ministry but you want them involved. And, to an extent, they want to be involved as well but for some reason it hasn’t happened. So you could get with them and negotiate what it looks like for them to be involved.
  • Say you have some adults who would really like to help you out in ministry but can’t meet all the demands of the “job description” you have for volunteer leaders. As long as you don’t sacrifice your core values and beliefs, use your ability negotiate to work with that adult to come up with a job description suitable to that person and get them involved.
  • As a student minister, you want to get people on the same page and involved. That is why you have to negotiate to get with others. And, as the leader of the group you have the power to negotiate with others. The key is in your negotiation do not sacrifice or give up direction and strategy of the program. When you let someone else dictate where you are headed as ministry, you might as well turn in your keys as the student minister. You were hired as the student ministry to run and direct the ministry. The cool thing is that you can use that power to negotiate and work with others. However, the moment you give up direction and mission you really have no leverage. The job of a Student Minister is a tough one. There are a lot of things you will get trained on and prepared for before you actually get your job. However, one role that you have that you probably don’t get much training on is that of a negotiator. The more you can master the art of negotiation with others the greater effectiveness you can have in your ministry. What do you think? How has the art of negotiation helped you in you in ministry? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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