YM Devo: It Takes Time

Nehemiah 6:15-16 Questions to ponder:

  1. How many days did it take to finish the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Wall?
  2. How did Jerusalem’s enemies respond?
The Lord did an amazing work in Jerusalem. But, he did not just snap his finger like a genie and the wall was built instantaneously. Rather, it took time and many steps to get there. It started when He created a passion inside Nehemiah to rebuild the wall (Neh. 1:4-7). Then he created an open door for Nehemiah to leave his job as a servant of the King (Neh. 2:6). After that, Nehemiah was able to get a workforce to help him rebuild the wall (Neh. 2:17-18). Finally, when Jerusalem’s enemies tried to disrupt the rebuilding effort, God provided Nehemiah with a way to discourage the would-be attackers (Neh. 3:9, 15). All these things that happened to Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the wall were small things that lead to the completion of a GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT! In all, it took 54 days to rebuild the wall, but longer than that from the calling of Nehemiah to the completion. In the same way, when we follow God and offer up prayers and petitions, sometimes God doesn’t just snap his finger and WHAM, our prayers are answered.  Sometimes it takes times and a bit longer than what we want or expect.  But just because it may take some time, that does not mean God is not working.  In fact, God is constantly working all around us. But sometimes it is not so obvious to see where He is working or what exactly He is working towards. They are not always gigantic moves like separating the Red Sea or having manna appear. Although He has done great works like that and can continue to do them, it does seem that more often than not, they are small steps that ultimately lead to a great victory when it is all said and done with. Just recently, I have made it part of my prayer time to pray that God would open doors to new opportunities (not necessarily career moves, but new opportunities to lead my family and to share about Christ as well). Not that I have never prayed these things before, but I have been much more intentional about it lately. Each day I have been praying and I have tried to be more observant and look for where God is working and leading. Because I am looking for the Lord’s work throughout the day, I have felt that I sense God’s direction and path more and more each day that I commit to prayer. It has encouraged me a lot lately as He has provided some great direction.  But, there has been no WHAM moment.  They have been small steps that I believe will eventually, in his timing, lead to a great result. God is active and alive all around us and in our lives. Sometimes we just need to be patient and wait for the Lord to move, day by day and step by step. He does hear our petitions. We may just have to be patient. He may answer our prayers immediately, or in a week, or 54 days or maybe even longer.  Our job is to be faithful to continue to offer up prayers and petitions and then patiently trust in his timing.  Then, as Psalm 40:1-5 shows us, as we wait patiently for the Lord, He does hear our cry and He will provide. Application:
  1. Spend some time praying and meditating with the Lord. Ask Him to reveal where He is moving and what He is working on so that you might join up. Ask Him to reveal to you your next steps in life and ministry.
  2. After you are done praying, write down some things you felt that the Lord laid on your heart. Then, be on the look-out for God’s moving in and around you.
Trust the Lord and allow His timing to happen.  It may take longer than we expect, but as Nehemiah’s example and Psalm 40:1-5 shows us, we will be better off because of it.]]>

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