Throughout our lives we go through “seasons”. I don’t know whoever coined this term but if he/she would have trademarked this bad boy, they would be filthy rich right now as it is a very popular word. There are good seasons and there are bad seasons. Sometimes seasons last for a short time and sometimes they last for a very long time. One thing I have come to realize is that when we go through seasons, especially hard ones that seem to last forever, God is still at work and doing something in you. He has you there for a reason and wants to work in you in some way. When going through a rough season in life, the passage I look towards a lot is Romans 5:1-5. Take a minute and read it. In this passage Paul says that we need to rejoice in our sufferings because it produces perseverance, character and hope. Now, don’t get me wrong, all seasons in our lives ARE NOT ALWAYS sufferings. But if we look at this passage that in everything, even our sufferings, God can continue to build into us, He will make us better through any experience or season in our lives. The question I need to keep asking is, “Lord, what do you want to teach me through this?” Why am I going through this time in my life. It is not all “whoa is me”, but an earnest desire to learn from the Lord during this time. Regardless of what the Lord is trying to teach me, I know 2 things:
- I have to continue to seek Him (Matthew 6:33)
- He will use this for His glory. It’s not all about me – never has been and never will be. So, I need to stop looking at this from a “me” perspective and more at how can I use this for His Glory?
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