Ep. 9: Longevity in Student Ministry

SidekickBanner23   Episode 9 Show Notes: This week’s podcasts has Tom talking to Ben Kern, a California based veteran Student Ministry and all around great guy. Tom met Ben at Orange ’12 and have been friends since.  Ben talks with Tom about many things but mainly how he has stayed fresh in Student Ministry and lasted so long. Ben also blogs, has a podcast and writes books!  If you haven’t checked his stuff out yet, do so now.  It’s worth it. You can to tweet about the show, you can say something like…

  • Today’s @ymsidekick podcast talks about staying fresh in #stumin with @averageym http://ht.ly/JcsaY #thinkorange
  • The @ymsidekick podcast talks with @averageym about staying fresh in #stumin http://ht.ly/JcsaY
  • Hear the NEW @ymsidekick podcast about staying fresh in #stumin with @averageym http://ht.ly/JcsaY
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