Episode 1 Show Notes:
This week we are talking all things Orange as my guest, Cory Sullivan and I discuss the Orange Conference and the Lead Small App. This is the App that was released last year at Orange ’14 and has made a HUGE difference in how we lead Home and Small Groups.
- Find out more about and sign up for the Orange Conference.
- Learn more about Lead Small.
- To follow Cory on twitter find him at @Big_Sully55 or at his blog.
- The YM Sidekick & @tapounder have started a new podcast focused on #stumin #fammin #iministry stuff. Give it a try http://ht.ly/JcsaY
- Check out the new podcast by @tapounder this week. It focuses on #stumin #fammin #iministry stuff http://ht.ly/JcsaY #thinkorange
- This week’s podcast focuses on #oc15 and Lead Small. Check it out http://ht.ly/JcsaY #thinkorange