The reason why is because Elle and Kenny Campbell, founders of Stuff You Can Use are releasing a NEW Youth Ministry centric Podcast called YM Answers TODAY. I’ve known the Campbells for a few years now through our separate work with Orange. Well, let’s be honest, they work for Orange, I just like to pretend to by blogging for them from time to time. 🙂
One of the things I really like about the Campbells is their passion for helping Youth Ministers be successful. That is why Stuff You Can Use is great and why I know that YM Answers is going to be a MUST listen to podcast. I previewed a few episodes and I love what I hear. I also can’t wait to continue to hear their banter back and forth, having a blast as they answer questions that actual, real-life, in the trenches youth ministers are asking.
That’s right, the reason why I’m really interested in this podcast above any other youth ministry podcast is because they are basing each episode around questions youth ministers are asking. They aren’t promoting their own agenda or ideas. They are legitimately seeking to help youth ministers out by answering real questions they are facing. That is why I am looking forward to each episode and am encouraging every youth minister (volunteer, part-time or full-time) to listen each week as well.
Check out this quick video overview of YM Answers below.
So, how do you get your youth ministry question answered and/or find this new podcast? Goto YM Answers and record your message to them so they can answer it in an upcoming podcast. You can also subscribe to the podcast so that it appears on your pod catcher so that you can hear about future podcasts featuring questions you may have about youth ministry. It will be well worth your time.
If you have a chance to listen to it, I’d love to hear what you think of it.]]>
Hey Tom!
Thanks so much for the support, I really appreciate it. And thanks for all you do for the youth ministry community!
Anytime, you all do great work! Keep it up!