Engaging Presentations. Whether it is in his Batman trilogy or even movies like Inception, Christopher Nolan has a knack for gripping you from the very beginning of the movie and walking you through the adventure of the story. Do we grab students from the beginning of our messages and walk them through the adventure
Understanding the Context. Are we telling the story in the context of which it was written? Or, are we just telling a story? Context is important because it gives the background of what was happening in the world that was around them. Christopher Nolan did a great job of this when he made Batman Begins. He could have just opened up with Batman being Batman. But he didn’t. He told the background, gave the context in which Bruce Wayne became Batman. This is especially important when you are sharing stories of the Bible because, for example, Jesus didn’t just heal a leopard. He did more than just heal a sick person. Lepards were UNTOUCHABLE, AVOIDABLE, OUTCASTED BY SOCIETY. Yet Jesus didn’t care and went right up to and healed him. Jesus was a ground-breaker, a rule-breaker, a society uniter. And that comes out when we share the context of the story, not just the story itself.
Be Yourself. Are we being ourselves or trying to be someone else? Christopher Nolan could have tried to be Michael Bay and blown up so many building and had this pyrotechnic blast or that pyrotechnic blast. But he didn’t. He was Christopher Nolan. In the same way, we are our own selves and I hope you have your own style of storytelling. Because your style makes you, you! You don’t have to be the “funny guy” or the “smart guy”. Let them be them. Be yourself and use the gifts God has given you to tell the story, don’t try to be someone else.
Storytelling is a key component of ministry. These are just 3 reminders in which we can improve in giving a message.
TAKE A MINUTE right now and think through your storytelling preparation. What do you think are important components to giving a message and how are you going to improve on your storytelling ability this year?
Share your thoughts, comments or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post. We can all learn from each other.
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